home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ** Module: Sound.
- ** Author: Paul Manias
- ** Copyright: DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. All rights reserved.
- **
- ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **
- **
- ** This source code is made available on the condition that it is only used to
- ** further enhance the Games Master System. IT IS NOT DISTRIBUTED FOR THE USE
- ** IN OTHER PRODUCTS. Developers may edit and re-release this source code
- ** only in the form of its GMS module. Use of this code outside of the module
- ** is not permitted under any circumstances.
- **
- ** This source code stays the copyright of DreamWorld Productions regardless
- ** of what changes or additions are made to it by 3rd parties. A joint
- ** copyright can be granted if the 3rd party wishes to retain some ownership
- ** of said modifications.
- **
- ** In exchange for our distribution of this source code, we also ask you to
- ** distribute the source when releasing a modified version of this module.
- ** This is not compulsory if any additions are sensitive to 3rd party
- ** copyrights, or if it would damage any commercial product(s).
- **
- ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **
- ** -------------------------
- ** If you correct a bug or fill in a missing feature, the source should be
- ** e-mailed to pmanias@ihug.co.nz for inclusion in the next update of this
- ** module.
- **
- ** + Support for Sound->Frequency.
- **
- ** + WAVE Support - to be implemented as a child module (ie not in this
- ** source code).
- **
- ** -------
- ** -1997-
- ** 27 Oct Replaced IFF body search with better one from Screens module.
- ** Added support for CheckFile().
- ** 30 Oct Optimised the way audio channels are allocated from the OS.
- ** Sound now supports Deactivate().
- ** Edited too many parts to note! Document the flags.
- ** 31 Oct Implemented SLEFT, SRIGHT, SFORCE.
- **
- ** -1998-
- ** 29 Jan Added a Pair field for modulation.
- ** 14 Mar Removed the Sound->Header field.
- ** 18 Jul Moved precalculated arrays from asm to C.
- ** Removed data=faronly from the SCOPTIONS file.
- ** Added support for field orientation.
- */
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <system/all.h>
- #include <dpkernel/prefs.h>
- #include "defs.h"
- /***********************************************************************************/
- BYTE ModAuthor[] = "Paul Manias";
- BYTE ModDate[] = "July 1998";
- BYTE ModCopyright[] = "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. All rights reserved.";
- BYTE ModName[] = "Sound";
- /***********************************************************************************/
- struct Function JumpTableV1[] = {
- { LIBAllocSoundMem, "AllocSoundMem(d0l,d1l)" },
- { LIBStopAudio, "StopAudio()" },
- { LIBCheckSound, "CheckSound(a0l)" },
- { LIBFreeSoundMem, "FreeSoundMem(d0l)" },
- { LIBSetVolume, "SetVolume(a0l,d0w)" },
- { NULL, NULL }
- };
- /***********************************************************************************/
- struct FieldDef AttribFlags[] = {
- { "BIT16", 0x00000001 }, { "MODVOL", 0x00000002 }, { "MODPER", 0x00000004 },
- { "REPEAT", 0x00000008 }, { "EMPTY", 0x00000010 }, { "LEFT", 0x00000020 },
- { "RIGHT", 0x00000040 }, { "FORCE", 0x00000080 }, { "STOPLAST", 0x00000100 },
- { NULL, NULL }
- };
- struct FieldDef SndOctave[] = {
- { "G0", 2 }, { "F0S", 4 }, { "F0", 6 }, { "E0", 8 },
- { "D0S", 10 }, { "D0", 12 }, { "C0S", 14 }, { "C0", 16 },
- { "B0", 18 }, { "A0S", 20 }, { "A0", 22 }, { "G1S", 24 },
- { "G1", 26 }, { "F1S", 28 }, { "F1", 30 }, { "E1", 32 },
- { "D1S", 34 }, { "D1", 36 }, { "C1S", 38 }, { "C1", 40 },
- { "B1", 42 }, { "A1S", 44 }, { "A1", 46 }, { "G2S", 48 },
- { "G2", 50 }, { "F2S", 52 }, { "F2", 54 }, { "E2", 56 },
- { "D2S", 58 }, { "D2", 60 }, { "C2S", 62 }, { "C2", 64 },
- { "B2", 66 }, { "A2S", 68 }, { "A2", 70 }, { "G3S", 72 },
- { "G3", 74 }, { "F3S", 76 }, { "F3", 78 }, { "E3", 80 },
- { "D3S", 82 }, { "D3", 84 }, { "C3S", 86 }, { "C3", 88 },
- { "B3", 90 }, { "A3S", 92 }, { "A3", 94 }, { "G4S", 96 },
- { "G4", 98 }, { "F4S", 100 }, { "F4", 102 }, { "E4", 104 },
- { "D4S", 106 }, { "D4", 108 }, { "C4S", 110 }, { "C4", 112 },
- { "B4", 114 }, { "A4S", 116 }, { "A4", 118 }, { "G5S", 120 },
- { "G5", 122 }, { "F5S", 124 }, { "F5", 126 }, { "E5", 128 },
- { "D5S", 130 }, { "D5", 132 }, { "C5S", 134 }, { "C5", 136 },
- { "B5", 138 }, { "A5S", 140 }, { "A5", 142 }, { "G6S", 144 },
- { "G6", 146 }, { "F6S", 148 }, { "F6", 150 }, { "E6", 152 },
- { "D6S", 154 }, { "D6", 156 }, { "C6S", 158 }, { "C6", 160 },
- { "B6", 162 }, { "A6S", 164 }, { "A6", 166 }, { "G7S", 168 },
- { "G7", 170 }, { "F7S", 172 }, { "F7", 174 }, { "E7", 176 },
- { "D7S", 178 }, { "D7", 180 }, { "C7S", 182 }, { "C7", 184 },
- { "B7", 186 }, { "A7S", 188 },
- { NULL, NULL }
- };
- #define SND_FIELDS 9
- struct Field SoundFields[SND_FIELDS] = {
- { "Priority", 14, FID_Priority, FDF_WORD|FDF_RANGE, 0, 1000, NULL, NULL },
- { "Data", 16, FID_Data, FDF_BYTEARRAY, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "Length", 20, FID_Length, FDF_LONG, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "Octave", 24, FID_Octave, FDF_WORD|FDF_LOOKUP, 0, 1000, NULL, NULL },
- { "Volume", 26, FID_Volume, FDF_WORD|FDF_RANGE, 0, 100, NULL, NULL },
- { "Attrib", 28, FID_Attrib, FDF_LONG|FDF_FLAGS, (LONG)AttribFlags, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "Source", 32, FID_Source, FDF_SOURCE, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "Frequency", 36, FID_Frequency, FDF_LONG, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "Pair", 40, FID_Sound, FDF_OBJECT, ID_SOUND, 0, NULL, NULL },
- };
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Init()
- **
- ** Called when our module is being opened for the first time.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDInit(mreg(__a0) LONG argModule,
- mreg(__a1) LONG argDPKBase,
- mreg(__a2) LONG argGVBase,
- mreg(__d0) LONG argDPKVersion,
- mreg(__d1) LONG argDPKRevision)
- {
- APTR *Exec = (APTR *)4;
- DPKBase = (APTR)argDPKBase;
- GVBase = (struct GVBase *)argGVBase;
- Public = ((struct Module *)argModule)->Public;
- SysBase = Exec[0];
- FileMod = NULL;
- if ((argDPKVersion < DPKVersion) OR
- ((argDPKVersion IS DPKVersion) AND (argDPKRevision < DPKRevision))) {
- DPrintF("!Sound:","This module requires V%d.%d of the dpkernel.library.",DPKVersion,DPKRevision);
- }
- else {
- if (FileMod = Get(ID_MODULE|GET_NOTRACK)) {
- FileMod->Number = MOD_FILES;
- if (Init(FileMod,NULL)) {
- FILBase = FileMod->ModBase;
- if (SndObject = AddSysObjectTags(ID_SOUND, ID_SOUND, "Sound",
- SOA_FileExtension, "iff;8svx;snd",
- SOA_FileDesc, "IFF Sound Sample",
- SOA_Activate, SND_Activate,
- SOA_CheckFile, SND_CheckFile,
- SOA_Deactivate, SND_Deactivate,
- SOA_CopyToUnv, SND_CopyToUnv,
- SOA_CopyFromUnv, SND_CopyFromUnv,
- SOA_Free, SND_Free,
- SOA_Get, SND_Get,
- SOA_Init, SND_Init,
- SOA_Load, SND_Load,
- SOA_FieldArray, SoundFields,
- SOA_FieldTotal, SND_FIELDS,
- SOA_FieldSize, sizeof(struct Field),
- SOA_ClassVersion, VER_SOUND,
- TAGEND)) {
- return(ERR_OK);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FreeModule();
- return(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Open()
- **
- ** Called when our module is being opened for a second time...
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDOpen(mreg(__a0) struct Module *Module)
- {
- if ((Module) AND (Public)) {
- Module->FunctionList = JumpTableV1;
- Public->OpenCount++;
- return(ERR_OK);
- }
- else return(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Expunge()
- ** Synopsis: LONG Expunge(void);
- **
- ** Called on expunge - if no program has us opened then we can give permission to
- ** have us shut us down.
- **
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDExpunge(void)
- {
- if (Public) {
- if (Public->OpenCount IS NULL) {
- FreeModule();
- return(ERR_OK); /* Okay to expunge */
- }
- }
- else DPrintF("!Sound:","I have no Public base reference.");
- return(ERR_FAILED); /* Do not expunge */
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Close()
- ** Synopsis: void Close(*Module [a0]);
- */
- LIBFUNC void CMDClose(mreg(__a0) struct Module *Module)
- {
- if (Public) Public->OpenCount--;
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Internal: FreeModule()
- **
- ** Frees any allocations made in the opening of our module.
- */
- void FreeModule(void) {
- if (SndObject) {
- RemSysObject(SndObject);
- SndObject = NULL;
- }
- if (FileMod) {
- Free(FileMod);
- FileMod = NULL;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Internal: FindHeader
- ** Synopsis: Chunk = FindHeader(FORM);
- */
- APTR FindHeader(LONG *form, LONG ID)
- {
- BYTE *endiff = (BYTE *)form;
- BYTE *bytetmp;
- if ((form[0] IS CODE_FORM) AND (ID != NULL)) {
- endiff += form[1] + 8; /* Find the end */
- form += 3; /* Skip FORM/Size/ILBM */
- while (form < (LONG *)endiff) {
- if (form[0] IS ID) {
- return(form+2);
- }
- bytetmp = (BYTE *)form + form[1] + 8;
- form = (LONG *)bytetmp;
- /* Check for an uneven offset, if detected then
- ** add an extra 1 to make it all even.
- */
- if ((LONG)form & 0x00000001) {
- form = (LONG *)((LONG)form + 1);
- }
- }
- DPrintF("FindHeader:","Failed to find IFF chunk $%x.",ID);
- }
- else ErrCode(ERR_ARGS);
- return(NULL);
- }
- #include "SND_CopyStructure.c"
- #include "SND_Init.c"
- #include "SND_Misc.c"
- #include "LIB_Memory.c"